L Visa and E Visa Program Consultation Request

We are happy to provide a free evaluation of your qualifications for the L visa or E visa programs. Your complimentary consultation includes:

1. Careful review of the information you provide.

2. Honest and objective assessment of whether your case has a reasonable chance of success. We will also provide tips for improving your case – even if you do not have a strong case today, we can help you understand the type of of evidence you can use to build your case for the future.

3. An explanation of your options to achieve your immigration goals, including the relative advantages and disadvantages of each option.

4. Clarification of USCIS costs and our legal fees and costs to provide the professional services you need.

Honest and objective assessment means that we will never exaggerate your chance of success or create a false sense of hope as a means of soliciting your business. If we determine that your case has no reasonable possibility of success, we will tell you that up front. Upon completion of your consultation, if you would like to hire FordMurray as your legal counsel, we will send you an engagement agreement to sign.

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