Crimmigration: Navigating the Complex Intersection of Criminal and Immigration Law for Defense Attorneys

It is well-established that criminal and immigration law are inextricably intertwined.  The catchphrases “crim-imm” or “crimmigration” are used interchangeably to refer to this intersection.  As Maine welcomes more immigrants to our state, it is essential to protect noncitizen criminal defendants’ rights to be informed of the impact of criminal contacts on their immigration status.  So,… [Read More]

FY2023 H-1B Alternatives

The H-1B Registration period ended on March 18th and the H-1B Lottery Selection period has begun. Currently, we are seeing about a 27% selection rate among all filers. This suggests one of two things: (1) either the number of applicants is up for this fiscal year; or (2) USCIS is only partially into the selection… [Read More]

USCIS Abandons 2019 Public Charge Rule, Abolishes Form I-944

USCIS will no longer use the Trump Administration’s 2019 Public Charge Rule for adjudication of permanent resident “green card” petitions. The announcement abolishes Form I-944, Declaration of Self Sufficiency, and should result in streamlined petitions, lower fees, and faster adjudication. On March 9, the Justice Department said it would no longer defend lawsuits against the… [Read More]

President Biden to Face Trump’s 11th Hour Immigration Rules

In a flurry of activity before leaving office January 20, the Trump Administration implemented or extended changes to U.S. immigration policy that will likely be overturned by the incoming administration of President Joe Biden.  Department of Labor Prevailing Wage Rule The Department of Labor reissued a Wage Level Rule that will increase the minimum wage… [Read More]

H-1B, L-1 and J-1 Visa Alternatives

President Trump’s June 22nd Executive Order was arguably the most aggressive assault on U.S. business immigration of his administration – tying COVID-era unemployment rates to suspension of new H-1B, L-1 and J-1 visas issued outside of the United States. The suspension does not impact foreign nationals already in the United States in a valid visa… [Read More]