In order to recruit foreign students, higher education institutions, private schools and public high schools must obtain certification through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) program. Once certified through SEVP, the institution must maintain compliance within the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, which tracks the courses of study, enrollment, employment and compliance of every foreign student.
It sounds like a lot of extra work – and it is – so why should universities, colleges and high schools recruit and admit foreign individuals to their schools?
Today’s higher education institutions must be more than just a place to get a degree. In order to recruit students in highly competitive markets, colleges and universities must create welcoming and dynamic campus environments and foster the kind of educational opportunities that translate into success beyond the college years. For most universities, it is not enough to simply start accepting applications and hope enough people apply and show up. Actively seeking out new students is critical to the success of any university, and it is vital, now more, than ever, to bring in new individuals from other countries.
In addition to increasing the enrollment numbers of a university, foreign students bring the following important benefits to the school. Looking for more information on SEVP certification and SEVIS compliance? Contact us today for a free consultation or download our comprehensive, 19-page Guide.
International Students Foster a Diverse Campus Environment
A diverse campus prepares all individuals for life in the 21st century and careers in a global economy. In many cases, college will be the first chance students have to live next to, work next to and study with people who aren’t from their town and cultural background. Universities that bring in foreign students and work hard to foster a culturally diverse campus environment offer students authentic opportunities to learn about themselves and the world they live in.
International Students Enrich Learning Environment with Cultural Perspectives
In addition to having a diverse campus, diversity in the classroom is also extremely important. Bringing together people from multiple cultures into one classroom can make for a very lively and productive learning experience – one that reflects the world students will graduate into. When a classroom is filled with people who have a similar background, it can be difficult to deeply understand different perspectives. Bringing people from around the world together into one place is a great way to learn about the experiences of others.

Free SEVP Certification Guide
Your Guide is a go-to resource on SEVP certification and SEVIS compliance - useful for those just starting the certification process or as a compliance guide for international student offices.
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Recruitment of International Students Attracts the Best of the Best
Universities are always looking to bring in people who excel in certain areas. This is seen almost every day in top athletes who receive full scholarships to the university of their choice. Whether looking to attract athletes, individuals who specialize in specific academic areas, or anything else, it makes sense to cast the net as wide as possible. Seeking out international students will help to bring in the ‘best and brightest’ students from around the world, which is great for the reputation of any school.
Create Significant Income Opportunities
As economic conditions in countries around the world continue to improve, more and more people are looking to get the best education possible for themselves and their children. U.S. higher education institutions are highly sought after for international students who want to learn from world-class faculty and broaden their cultural horizons. In addition, some foreign countries offer scholarships for students who study in America. To put it simply, this means that American universities can bring in many new students who will be paying tuition each year.
Get Help Bringing in Foreign Students
Once a foreign student has expressed interest in a university, it is important to be able to help them navigate their way through the immigration process. Offering students legal assistance for immigrating can be a very important benefit. Contact FordMurray Lawto see how we can help students come to your university.