Challenges facing healthcare systems in 2019 have created shortages of critical healthcare providers throughout the United States – a shortage that could exceed 100,000 physicians and 500,000 nurses by 2030. While programs exist specifically to hire foreign doctors in medically underserved areas, there are no such solutions to address profound shortages in nursing. Luckily, there… [Read More]
5 US Business Visas for Foreign-Born Physicians
This article explains immigration pathways for foreign physicians. For a comprehensive look at healthcare immigration for Human Resource Leaders, click here. For a detailed overview of healthcare immigration for foreign medical graduates or foreign medical students enrolled in U.S. medical training programs, click here. The United States is predicted to have a significant shortage of qualified physicians in… [Read More]
Understanding the 2-Year Home Residency Requirement for J-1 Visa Holders
HHS changed guidelines in June 2020 to open up the federal J-1 waiver program to healthcare providers of all sizes. Unlike the Conrad Waiver program, HHS waivers do not carry a restrictive quota and timeline. HHS waivers present a more flexible option for qualifying hospitals that rely on foreign physician. Contact us for complimentary consultation if you’d like… [Read More]