Russell Ford Interviewed on Discover Your Talent Podcast

Russell Ford was recently interviewed on the podcast “Discover Your Talent. Do What You Love.” In this episode, Russell talks about how controlling his own destiny while helping others has consistently motivated his career. Click here to listen to the episode!

The TN NAFTA Program: Who Qualifies?

Finding the right candidates to fill professional roles in your company can sometimes be difficult. Many US citizens are unwilling to relocate, which can leave you scrambling to fill in-demand jobs. For many companies, importing talented professionals from Mexico or Canada has been an effective solution. Thanks to the TN NAFTA Program, companies can bring… [Read More]

Russell Ford Client Featured in Shotgun Life Article

Russell C. Ford’s client, Royal United Gamebirds, is highlighted in this Shotgun Life article for the growth and development of their business through the use of the E-2 investor visa. Mr. Ford, as indicated in the article, was instrumental in helping Royal United Gamebirds secure their initial and continued E-2 status. Understanding the needs of entrepreneurs,… [Read More]