As business immigration attorneys, we help companies employ the best possible candidates, regardless of their nationality. One of these businesses is a global systems designer for manufacturing companies. As a multinational entity with offices in Italy and Australia and the United States, this company depends on L-1 and H-1B visas to ensure the global mobility their employees need to do the best work.
A New American Dream – Family Immigration
Providing responsive, effective business immigration services to multinational companies is one of our hallmarks. But sometimes, we also get to see the personal side of immigration – family immigration. This month, FordMurray helped the children of the CEO of this technology company become US Citizens. The family originally came to the United States on an L-1 work visa and L-2 dependent visas. After receiving resident green cards about six years ago, they decided to pursue naturalization. Now, as United States citizens, they will plant their roots in the community they call home.
When we talk about immigration, we talk about more than visas and green cards – we are uniting families, strengthening communities, building economies. Congratulations to this new American family and their American dream.