Photo by Brianna Soukop/Portland Press Herald
We love this article in the Portland Press Herald about the Maine Cricket League – a group that has been playing competitive cricket in Maine for nearly a decade and has its championship game Saturday at 3 p.m.
As immigration attorneys, we help businesses and individuals obtain visas and green cards to live and work in the United States. Our work assists businesses as they grow and prosper and allows the best and the brightest in their field to follow their professional dreams in the United States. But our line of work is more than that. Immigration adds diversity of thought and practice to our country – in this case bringing the second most popular sport in the world to the fields of America’s pastime. As we help people transition from work visas to becoming permanent residents and naturalized citizens, we enrich and enliven our communities with new skills, new ideas and new traditions. We see the families grow, we see them become integral parts of their communities, and we know we had at least a small part in their American dream.
We appreciate our local paper for highlighting this small story that carries a larger meaning of hope and inclusiveness in immigration discussions that are too often fraught with discord. We wish the Jaguars, Avengers, Augusta and IDEXX the best of luck in their upcoming championship games, and many more good innings to play.